Monday, May 2, 2011

46 days and a sprinkle

I am so ready for Violet to be here! Ive been pregnant for the past 224 days, and I have 46 more to go. Some days 46 days seems like nothing, other days it feels like an eternity. I really wish I was one of those "glowing" pregnant women who took pride in her growing bump, swelling face and waddling walk. But as much as I am thankful for this wonderful gift from Jesus growing inside me, I really strongly dislike the last trimester of pregnancy! Im just ready to be myself again, to breathe normal, sleep comfortable, look like myself, drink wine and eat sushi, and most importantly to meet my precious girl.

Yesterday I was so blessed by my wonderful family and amazing friends! I had a Baby "Sprinkle" and it was absolutely perfect. This time around I really didnt want a huge Shower, so I only had close friends and family there. It was a great time and Im so thankful to everyone who came! Here are a few pics from what we have been up to lately and a couple from my Sprinkle.

46 more days!! YAY!!

            A special thank you to my Mom and wonderful sister for all their hardwork! Love you both!!

1 comment:

  1. You look great! I know it seems for ever away for you but I can't believe she is almost here! Had my first glass of vino on Easter, ya totally glad to have the little bun out of the oven for that.
